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slide bearings
oil film force
eccentricity ratio
distribution of stresses and deformations
journal bearing
bush bearing


To guarantee a proper operation of a bearing it is necessary that parameters characterizing it in conditions of the start-up phase, a steady state, and run-down phase are known. In the article, plain journal bearing models describing the condition before the start of relative motion (ωJ = 0) were presented. The models were formulated on the grounds of both the Hertz theory and the general theory of elasticity. The bearing operation parameters calculated with the use of the Hertz theory and the solid bush model differ significantly. For the steady state, when ωJ = const, operating conditions were determined from equations of the hydrodynamic lubrication theory. Comparative studies indicate that at higher loads, pressures in the journal-bush contact zone may prove to be decisive for proper operation of the bearing, rather than maximum pressures or maximum oil temperatures.
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DIN 31652, Teil 1, 2, 3: Hydrodynamische Radial – Gleitlager im stationärem Betrieb

DIN 31653, Teil 1, 2, 3: Hydrodynamische Axial – Gleitlager im stationärem Betrieb

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