

Innovation tools
cluster structure
procedural management
project management
system integration

How to Cite

Novotný, T., & Novotná, S. (2021). SELECTED INNOVATION TOOLS IN DESIGNING PROCESS MANAGEMENT. Modern Management Review, 26(4), 61-68.


This contribution deals with the specification of the current immunity of strategy and status and level of procedural management in special organizational structures referred to as industrial clusters. It represents selected specifics of the design and application of innovative tools, system integration, and agile project management of clusters. It describes and explains the context between the strategy, the organizational structure, and the need for project procedural management at the current position and competitiveness of clusters on the market in demanding energy and environmental conditions. In the end, it shall submit its own author's design scheme for a new organizational project aimed at a cluster structure and draft management process and coordination of clustered projects for their clients.


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All texts published in the Journal "Modern Management Review" are available in the full version on the website of MMR. Digital IDs have also been entered from number 19 (3/2012) (DOI: 10.7862/rz.2018.mmr.1)

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