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Author Guidelines

  1. The texts delivered to Editor cannot be published in other publishing company and cannot be submitted for reviewing process in other journals.
  2. Languages of publication from 2019: English. The texts must be carefully developed in terms of both linguistic and formal.
  3. The Journal is quarterly, with four issues published per year: in March, June, September and December.
  4. Each article should be accompanied by:
    - abstract (100-150 words) with a list of keywords in English (3-5 keywords); abstract should contain: Purpose, Methodology, Results, Main Contribution of the paper, Practical implications (if applicable),
    - names and surnames of authors, the name of institution represented by the author (affiliation),
    - author's ORCID ID,
    - statement of copyright to the text. In case when an article is written by one author the statement for downloading is here and in case when an article is writtten by more than one author the statement for downloading is here.
  5. Authors who use AI or AI-assisted tools on any stage of the process of preparation the manuscript, must be transparent in disclosing in the Methodology (or similar section) of the paper how AI or AI-assisted tools were used. Authors are fully responsible for the content of their manuscript, even those parts produced by AI or AI-assisted tools, and are thus liable for any breach of publication ethics. Furthermore, for transparency, authors are required to provide the AI or AI-assisted tools product details in the „Acknowledgements” section of the manuscript. AI or AI-assisted tools cannot be used to create, alter or manipulate original research data and results, such as images, photographs and measurements. AI or AI-assisted tools cannot be credited as an author of a published work.
  6. Authors provide e-mail addresses for the contact. If there are more than one author, the authors must indicate the corresponding author. Editorial Board shall decide on an article for review. 
  7. Before sending the text for review, it is checked in the anti-plagiarism system Exceeding the indicators from the system results in the withdrawal of the text from the editorial process. In doubtful or disputable matters, decisions are made by the Editorial Board.
  8. Submitted articles will be published after two favorable reviews and editorial approval. Editorial Board reserves the right to make the necessary shortcuts, editorial corrections, including amendments arising from comments of language equalizer.
  9. Text should be written according to the template available here. The APA style for citations is required. All publications that the author quotes or refers to in the text should be included in the list of sources at the end of the text which follows the APA standard.
  10. In one issue of the journal, the person concerned may publish only one article.
  11. Articles and materials which were not ordered, will not be returned.
  12. Submitting and publishing an article in the journal is free of charges.
  13. If the article presents research findings that were funded from other financial sources than private, statement on financial resources should be included in the article.
  14. All data collected in the publishing process are compliant with the RODO 2018 information clause.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

Information Clause GDPR 2020
In accordance with Article 13 of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (Official Journal of the EU, L 119, 2016, p. 1) hereinafter referred to as GDPR, the Publisher informs as follows:

  1. The Administrator of your personal data is Ignacy Łukasiewicz University of Technology in Rzeszów seated at Al. Powstańców Warszawy 12, 35-959 Rzeszów, tel. +48 17 865 1100, email address:
  2. The Administrator has appointed the Data Protection Officer to supervise the accuracy of personal data processing, who may be contacted by telephone: +48 17 865 1775 or via email at in any matter regarding the processing of the Author's personal data and exercising the rights related to the processing of personal data.
  3. The Author’s personal data will be processed for the following purposes:
    a) implementation of the provisions of this Agreement - pursuant to Article 6, Section 1, letter b (1) of the GDPR,
    b) fulfilment by the Publisher of the legal obligation resulting from the provisions of the Act of 26 July 1991 on Natural Persons’ Income Tax (i.e. Journal of Laws of 2019, item 1387 with subsequent amendments), and in the case where the fee referred to in § 5 Section 2 is subject to social insurance - the Act of 13 October 1998 on the social insurance system (i.e. Journal of Laws of 2019, item 300 with subsequent amendments), and in the case where the
    remuneration referred to in Art. 5 Section 2 is subject to health insurance - the Act of 27 August 2004 on health care benefits financed from public funds (i.e. Journal of Laws of 2019, item 1393 with subsequent amendments), as well as executive acts of the aforementioned Acts, and other binding legal regulations - pursuant to Article 6, Section 1, letter c (2) of the GDPR,
    c) alternatively asserting / defending the rights or claims – pursuant to Article 6, Section 1, letter f (3) of the GDPR.
  4. The provision of personal data is voluntary but necessary for the conclusion of this Agreement.
    Failure to provide personal data shall make it impossible to conclude this Agreement.
  5. The recipients of the Author's personal data shall be competent tax authorities, and in the case
    where the fee referred to in Art. 5 Section 2 is subject to social insurance and health insurance – Social Insurance Institution, and other recipients in any cases arising from the applicable legislation.
  6. The Author’s personal data shall not be disclosed to other recipients in third countries or to
    international organizations.
  7. The Administrator may transfer the processing of the Author's personal data to other entities
    providing services in the interest of the Administrator, e.g. IT services concerning servicing and
    repairing failures in IT systems.
  8. The Author's personal data will be processed for the period necessary for the execution of this
    agreement and thereafter stored for the purposes and for the time and to the extent required by law or for the assertion/defence of rights or claims related thereto, and then for the period required by applicable law for the performance of archiving duties, whichever is later. At the end of the storage period, the data will be irreversibly anonymised.
  9. The Author has the right to access and rectify personal data or restrict personal data processing
    and the right to object to the processing or to delete the data, as far as this is permitted by law.
  10. The Author has the right to lodge a complaint to the supervisory authority (i.e. to the President of the Personal Data Protection Office) if they consider that the processing of their personal data violates the provisions of the GDPR.
  11. The Author’s personal data shall not be subject to a decision based on automated processing,
    including profiling.

    (1) Art.6, Section 1, letter b of the GDPR: processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party or in order to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract.
    (2) Art.6, Section 1, letter c of the GDPR: processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the Administrator is subject.
    (3) Art.6, Section 1, letter f of the GDPR: processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the Administrator.