Purpose: The article discusses the plan of integrated marketing communication with an emphasis on designing a strategy for the brand X. Marketing communication is one of the key elements of strategic marketing, as it has a significant impact on the recognition and success of a company or brand. It should be emphasized that in the era of information technology, information overload, and increasing consumer demands, the concept of marketing communication is much more complex than simply informing target customers about the existence of a product or service. Methodology: The quantitative research was carried out using a survey questionnaire technique. For this purpose, we used a web-based 1KA survey sent via email addresses. Results: The survey determined (1) the level of general interest in alarm systems for the protection of residential, holiday, and commercial properties, (2) the level of awareness of brand X. We further identified (3) the target audience of the brand X, (4) the key message for advertising needs and (5) communication channels through which to address the target audience. Practical implications: The obtained results were our key guidelines in designing a marketing communication strategy for the brand X, aimed at improving the effectiveness of current marketing campaigns and increasing the sales of products under the selected brand.
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