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management control
specificities of SMEs
cost accounting
forecasting tools

How to Cite

CHEGRI, M., RIGALMA, H., & TORRA, M. (2021). MANAGEMENT CONTROL SYSTEM IN THE CONTEXT OF SMES. Modern Management Review, 26(3), 39-58.


Several researchers have been concerned with management control, others have analyzed the specificities of SMEs, but research relating to management control in SMEs is still scarce.

Management control is one of the foundations of company management and performance, it provides the visibility necessary to coordinate, plan and judge the actions of company stakeholders. Stemming from industrial accounting, it now appears as a means of controlling the complexity of organizations and mobilizing skills. Thus, the purpose of management control systems, in particular, is to present managers with methods and tools enabling them to provide them with useful information for decision-making.

The objective of this work is twofolded: – identify the specific features of SMEs which may have an influence on their management system and therefore on their management control practices; – draw up an overview of the different management control tools and practices adapted to SMEs to finally confirm that management control in SMEs exists.
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All texts published in the Journal "Modern Management Review" are available in the full version on the website of MMR. Digital IDs have also been entered from number 19 (3/2012) (DOI: 10.7862/rz.2018.mmr.1)

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