

risk management
best practices

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JĘDRUSIK, A. (2021). PROJECT RISK MANAGEMENT BASED ON A SET OF BEST PRACTICES. Modern Management Review, 26(3), 79-86.


The purpose of this article is to present the process of risk management in project management. The analysis was based on a comparison of two best practices of IPMA and PRINCE. Risk management differs significantly between the two approaches, but it is up to the organization to choose its own management, monitoring and methodology tailored to the specific industry or sector. Risk management is an important aspect of the entire project life cycle and must be monitored throughout the project life cycle to protect not only the budget but all areas of the so-called "golden triangle". A very important aspect is the organization's awareness that risk management is everyone's responsibility, not just the project manager. This paper presents two different approaches to project risk management in two different methodologies.


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All texts published in the journal Modern Management Review are available in the full version on the website of MMR. Digital IDs have also been entered from number 19 (3/2012) (DOI: 10.7862/rz.2018.mmr.1)

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