

saving time
critical points of the production process

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Tokarčík, A., Pavolová, H., Bakalár, T., & Bednárová, L. (2021). IMPACT OF INNOVATIONS ON THE SAVING OF THE PRODUCTION COMPANY’S WORKING TIME FUND. Modern Management Review, 26(4), 119-131.


The article deals with innovation management in the conditions of a manufacturing company whose aim is to reduce the working time fund that directly determines productivity or efficiency of the company in competitive market conditions. Based on explicit quantification of time frames based on an analytical – chronometric method applicable to production operations in the process. The results of observation, time measurement, research and evaluation of time consumption during the implementation of a repeated production operation, or its complex part within defined production site are presented. Based on explicitly performed quantitative analysis, introducing of innovative technology, innovative solutions in the field of production technology management that support sustainable development
with an emphasis on the development of environmental quality are presented including
an explicit quantification of working time fund savings through the implementation of innovative machinery and equipment in critical production operations of the analysed production process.


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All texts published in the Journal "Modern Management Review" are available in the full version on the website of MMR. Digital IDs have also been entered from number 19 (3/2012) (DOI: 10.7862/rz.2018.mmr.1)

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