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This research aimed to find facts on weaknesses and constraints that occurred in the field, and tried to prepare an alternative strategy model for supervising and empowering batik business to boost Purworejo’s community economic welfare. The research was held in a number of sub-regions which it was known as batik culture area in the past time. This research applied qualitative methods to obtain in-depth illustration on real situation and condition in the field. The result concluded that to develop and to empower Purworejo’s Batik, it was needed an alternative strategy, which included the comprehensive planning and supervising on batik industries in Purworejo. Batik craftsmen and business players were necessary to be empowered on business location, physical equipment, supporting goods, raw materials, products design, energy, manpower and time. Beside from the Government side, it was necessary such a strong political willingness on general policy and specially that aim for empowering and increase batik industry to become master in its own country.
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