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The objective of this paper is to find new trends in the literature using machine learning and reference management systems within the theme of the Internationalization of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). With help of topic modeling software 857 articles on the topic "Internationalization of SMEs from 2012 to 2021 were analyzed and ranked (citation index) through Endnote® library management systems. The search was focused only on the fields of social science and management. 85 documents were shortlisted from the original cluster to proceed with the text mining. Results show promising areas of research within the Internationalization of SMEs. Stand-out topics include Resource-based Theory, Dynamics Capabilities, International Entrepreneurship, and Ambidexterity among others.

Endnote® Subject Bibliography found the most popular words and topics in the original database. Results showed that using Endnote® and MALLET topic modeling tool it is possible to analyze large amounts of publications and find new trends within a specific field. However, MALLET software needs experts in the field to identify and translate results into meaningful ideas. Endnote® seems to have a higher level of sophistication and a better visual interface, but among the disadvantages are the price of the tool and that it works better with their libraries or partner journals.
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