

oil and gas
organisational culture
team effectiveness
project leadership
project environment variables

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This paper examines the important factors influencing team effectiveness, culture, and leadership in the oil and gas project environment. The study focuses on four controlling variables: cross-culture, organizational culture, path-goal leadership, and team effectiveness. Cross-cultural dynamics greatly affect team dynamics, decision-making, conflict resolution, and project delivery. Organizational culture stresses collective learning and its impact on team members' mindsets. Path-goal leadership clarifies goals and provides support. Effective project teams collaborate, have strong leadership, and integrate individual viewpoints. The study provides valuable insights for Nigerian oil and gas industry project leaders to improve project outcomes aligned with organizational goals. Structural equation modelling (SEM) techniques are employed for data analysis, with the sample size determined based on SEM guidelines. PLS-SEM and CB-SEM approaches are compared, with CB-SEM achieving a higher coefficient of determination. The research suggests that achievement-oriented leadership behaviour and collaborative team processes are essential factors in defining key performance indicators (KPI) for project success.



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