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Measuring indicators of tourism development is crucial for formulating effective tourism policies. The Travel and Tourism Development Index (TTDI) is intrinsically linked to the measurement of tourism development indicators. It provides the essential data and analysis needed for creating effective, sustainable, and competitive tourism policies, thereby maximizing the benefits of tourism while minimizing its adverse impacts. The TTDI has been published twice since its inception in 2021. Notably, the methodology for compiling the TTDI has changed to enhance its accuracy and relevance This paper aims to identify the degree of agreement between the new and the original calculation methodology in the TTDI values achieved by countries. In addition, we show the values achieved concerning the region in which the country is located and concerning the income group. Moreover, we quantify differences in the country’s ranking between the original and new rankings within TTDI. The findings indicate that even with the revised methodology for calculating the TTDI, the values attained by the countries exhibit a strong correlation.


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